Private Investors

If you’re looking for a fashionable firm that follows investment trends and invests within the consensus, you’re in the wrong place. If you want a sensible and reasonable approach to managing money, we can help!

In today’s financial markets of low yields and high risk, private investors often risk a substantial portion of their hard-earned capital to try to obtain a reasonable investment income. Canso can help you obtain your investment goals through a variety of investment strategies.

We are well known as a specialty manager of Canadian corporate bond portfolios. Our portfolio managers and analysts have many years of experience in banking and credit analysis. This creates our simple investment conviction: we want to get our money back!

Many investors claim to invest only in “low risk” securities that have comfortable monikers like “world class” and “blue chip”. It amazes us how many of these popular investments have serious financial problems which result in significant losses to investors.

We invest in a wide variety of securities but we look before we leap. We use our considerable experience at banking and credit analysis to consider the downside to an investment before purchase. We only invest when we are compensated for the risk assumed.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We would rather invest in a distressed bond trading well below its intrinsic value than a hyped equity or income trust trading far above any reasonable calculation of value.

We manage money for some of the world’s most sophisticated investors. Our services to private investors include a variety of fixed income, income trust and equity products. For more information on the private investor capabilities of Canso Investment Counsel Ltd., please contact us at:


Phone: (905) 881-8853

For investment amounts of less than $50 million, investors can access Canso through third party dealers. Ask your investment advisor about Canso pooled funds or mutual funds offered by our affiliate, Lysander Funds Limited.